Admissions at LSI Independent College

How to Apply

Prospective students are invited to visit our campus and meet with our staff and students. We can arrange an interview at a mutually convenient time with our college Principal. During the interview, you will be able to discuss your academic options, choose the most appropriate A-level subjects and ask questions about the school.

Following the interview, if you would like to apply to study at LSI Independent College, you should complete an application form. We will then be in touch with your current school to collect references and school transcripts. The decision whether or not to offer a place is based on the interview, your academic scores to date and your previous school’s references.

 Download Our Admissions Guide

For students living abroad, we appreciate that visiting the college before enrolment may not be feasible. Although we encourage students to visit the college before applying, to get a sense of the school environment, we can also arrange Zoom or MS Teams interviews. In addition, for students whose first language is not English, we require proof of your English level. We ask students to complete our own English level test. Depending on visa requirements, some students may need specific English language qualifications such as IELTS; we can advise further on this.

 Application Form and Terms And Conditions

Transfer into Sixth Form 2nd Year

We can also accept students who wish to transfer into our second year of Sixth Form from another institution. If you are considering transferring to LSI Independent College, please contact us to discuss your options.

Term Dates and Fees

Student Testimonials

Apply Now

Apply to study at LSI Independent College