Academic Support Policy
Accessibility Plan
Admission Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Assessment Policy
Attandance Policy
Behaviour Policy
Complaints Procedure
Compliance Policy for Student Route Visa and Child Student Sponsorship
Curriculum Policy
Equality Policy
E-Safety Policy
Exams Policy
Fire Risk and Evacuation Policy
First Aid and Medicines Policy
GDPR Data Protection Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Induction Policy for International Students
Payment Policy
Pastoral care Policy
Physical Education and Sports
Prevent Policy
Risk Assessment Policy
Safer Recruitment Policy
Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Development Policy
Wellbeing Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Safeguarding Students Policy and Procedures
Conflict of interest Policy
Exam Malpractice Policy
What Our Students Say
LSI College Sets High Standards
"After previously receiving BCD at A-Level the year prior, I resat all 3 of my subjects at LSI obtaining AAA and a place to study Medicine MBChB. Thank you so much to the LSI team for their all around support to help me achieve my dream."
Chloe, 2023-2024 Intensive One-Year A Levels Student

Our Classes Inspire Students
"This is a great school, it’s quite small. My favourite teacher is the computer science teacher, he teaches extremely well. All the theories are very interesting and I recommend others take it too."
Jonathan, 2023-2024 Computer Science, Math, & Business A Levels Student

Our Student Experience Fosters Growth
"I like how small the school is, it’s very comforting. My favourite teacher is my English Literature teacher, Mrs. Stella. She is really nice, and was very patient with me and helped me through two years."
Aliyahm, International Student from Tanzanian

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